Healthcare Apps And Technology You Need To Know About
As humans, we are nothing without good health. Imagine trying to go to work every day, except you're only 50% healthy. That wouldn't be easy or fun. That's why doctors urge us to receive or flu shots when the time comes, and why we should wash our hands after using the restroom. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the average American household spent $4,928 on health care in 2017. Wellness is as vital as anything else, and that's why healthcare technology and apps are advancing. Continue reading and discover the healthcare apps and tech you need to know.
App: The Health Tap App Helps All
It can be hard trying to get through to your doctor's office via phone call. First, you have to talk to a robot and clarify your information before they place you on hold for about 15 minutes.
Save time with the Health Tap app. Clinically designed, this Healthcare app allows you to stay connected 24/7 with your healthcare provider. A doctor can share documents and data like images and blood work results, as well.
Tech: Printing In 3-D Is A Major Help
Over the past few years, 3-D printing has had a tremendous rise as one of the hottest technologies on the market. A 3-D printer can make joints and implants that your doctors can use during surgery.
Using 3-D printers can create both soluble and long-term items. 3-D prosthetics are also becoming more popular as they are bespoke, with the digital functionalities matching a person's measurements down to the millimeter. 3-D printing can go a long way in heath.
App: Grind It Out With Fitocracy
Imagine when you're playing a video game that requires you to level up. The only way to advance further in the game is by leveling up. Now, think if you could live your real life like that.
Say hello to Fitocracy, an app that puts you in a position to improve by knocking out tasks and gaining experience. The app also gives you expert advice and a bevy of workout routines that will help you stay motivated.
Tech: Robotic Surgery Is Helpful
For those who've had minimally invasive surgeries, they've probably already had a robot handle their operation. In this manner, the robotic aspect helps with precision, flexibility, and control. Robotic surgery allows surgeons to do things that might've been impossible.
Many people worry that as this process advances, it will replace human surgeries. It is more likely that this process will only assist a surgeons' work in the future. Going this route will also allow for real-time analysis of critical patient information.
App: Are You Ready For A 5k?
While running may be a form of exercise anyone can do with no help, it can also be one of the toughest to start. Gaining that extra motivation to even run a lap on the track can be difficult.
Thanks to the Couch to 5k app, prepping for a marathon is much easier. This app's proven method will take you from running nowhere to completing a 5k in only nine weeks. You don't even need any experience.
Tech: Wireless Sensors For Your Brain
Scientists and doctors teamed up to create bioresorbable electronics that you can have put in the brain. Bioresorbable means they dissolve when they're no longer needed, so no need to worry about that.
This tactic will help doctors with measuring the temperature and pressure within your brain. That sounds extremely helpful for someone at risk. Thanks to the sensor's abilities to dissolve, that eliminates the need for added surgeries. Those with brain tumors or head injuries can thank the scientists for this idea.
App: Know What You're Eating With Fooducate
Knowing what you put into your body is a massive part of the battle to remain healthy. If one doesn't know the makeup of what he or she eats, then it's hard to calculate what type of diet best benefits you.
The app Fooducate helps you by looking beyond calorie information. It enables you to get a more comprehensive understanding of each part of your meal. You can also scan barcodes to get a personalized nutrition grade. That means it will tell you why you should put down the Pop-Tarts and pick up the steel-cut oats.
Tech: Give Those Lungs A Smart Inhaler
The main treatment options for those with asthma are inhalers. If used correctly, they are 90% effective. Well, research shows that only 50% of patients get their woes under control, and 94% don't even use inhalers correctly!
Now, there are Bluetooth-enabled smart inhalers to help people living with asthma. After attaching a small device to the inhaler, it records vital information, including if you used the inhaler correctly. The data gets sent to your smartphone and helps you keep track of your condition.
App: Stay On Track With Nudge
We firmly believe it's nearly impossible to stay on top of your healthy living. Everyone needs help with that, and that's what Nudge provides by letting you connect with and challenge the people you know.
The app integrates with your other health apps and gives you a score from your last 30 days of activity. Then, you can compare and share with your friends and family who have the app as well. That way, you're held accountable to a higher degree.
Tech: Artificial Organs Are A Thing
Something that takes 3-D printing to another level, bio-printing, is another facet that's becoming wildly popular in medical technology. A method stemming from the ability to take skin cells for skin draughts for burn victims, artificial organs brings forth way more possibilities.
Scientists have made synthetic ovaries, blood vessels, and even a pancreas. The organs then grow inside of a patient's body to replace the original non-working one. The fact that the body's immune system doesn't reject these artificial organs is revolutionary.
App: Are You Riding The Fitbit Wave?
Over the last half-decade, it feels like the Fitbit is everywhere. Thanks to their steady improvements to the device and app, it looks like it will only become more prominent. Their app, the Fitbit Coach, is something special.
It's like you have a personal trainer on your smartphone. The app provides you with custom programs, curriculums, and other types of content based on your body and health data. Who needs to pay for a trainer when you have this?
Tech: Precision Medicine
The more technology advances, the more medical attention becomes individually personalized. For example, precision medicine allows physicians to come up with treatments based on a person's genetic make-up. That means we'll all have a leg up on fighting cancer or other illnesses, by knowing what we're predispositioned to.
This method is far greater than other types of tactics, as it attacks tumors aligned with the patient's particular genes and proteins. This precision medicine method can also help treat rheumatoid arthritis by attacking the vulnerable genes of the disease.
This App Debunks Your Take-Out Meals
Wouldn't it be nice to have every meal you consume be healthy be homemade? It's hard to accomplish that, so eating out becomes a habit for a lot of us. Restaurants often make food for pleasure, rather than health benefits. Luckily, the HealthyOut app is here to help.
This app points out the better choices on the menu and gives you modification suggestions. For a bonus, you can scan the area around you and see which restaurants nearby offer healthier options.
Tech: Time To Get Virtual
While virtual reality isn't anything new, thanks to technological and medical advances, VR now helps medical students get closer to the action than ever before. New tools help medical professionals gain the experience needed by giving them a visual understanding of human anatomy.
Not only that, but VR helps patients as well. The devices help with diagnosis, treatment plans, and helping prepare them for upcoming procedures. The possibilities will only continue to grow in the future.
App: MyFitnessPal Is Your New Buddy
The average number of calories we're supposed to eat in a day is around 2,000. That's not specific to your body type or genetics, so that number isn't gospel. With MyFitnessPal, you'll receive a specific intake based on your fitness goals.
It also helps log your diet to keep you on track each day. One of the app's best features is that it has a built-in recipe importer that allows you to log any recipe off the internet.
Tech: The Most Advanced Gene-Editing Technology
Have you heard of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats yet? You probably answered no, and that's okay because CRISPR isn't entirely mainstream at this point. CRISPR is the most advanced gene-editing technology out there.
"It works by harnessing the natural mechanisms of the immune systems of bacterium cells of invading viruses, which is then able to 'cut out' infected DNA strands," reports. Some of the most threatening diseases have the potential to be managed within a matter of years, thanks to the technology that allows DNA editing.
Apps: Watch Those Carbs With This
It's almost impossible to avoid carbs, primarily because they're in many of the foods we love. Once you stop intaking so many, your health or weight may improve as a result. The app CarbsCounter will help you every step of the way.
This app takes care of figuring out how many carbs are in your meal portions, thus assisting with your intake. There is an option to preset entry categories so that recording your morning coffee is that much easier.
Tech: Able Human Motion
Able Human Motion is looking to develop a commercialized, low-cost, light robotic exoskeleton fully. This exoskeleton will help patients with spinal injuries walk. Injuries in that area can knock even the strongest person out of commission.
This tech is still in developmental phases and looking for investors, but in 2018, it won first prize in the CRASSH Barcelona program. If it does happen to generate enough funds to go all-in, this could be an exciting invention.
App: Drink Your Water With This App
A sure-fire way to improve your health is by drinking more water. It's easily the healthiest and best drink you can consume. Drinking this liquid provides you with so many benefits that increase your overall health.
With the Waterlogged app, you'll be able to track how much water you drink throughout the day. You can either take a photo or use basic metrics to measure. If you pay for the premium version, you can also see your progress through graphs and maps.
App: Don't Shop Without ShopWell
Being thoughtful of what you consume is harder than people like to admit. That's why it's a great idea to trust ShopWell with your grocery shopping; it's a miraculous app that thinks for you.
Scan an item that you would typically buy, and the app will populate alternatives for you to consider. ShopWell also incorporates your goals, whether it be lowering your cholesterol or avoiding allergens such as lactose and gluten. This is a must-have app.